
wp_login_form ( $args = array() )

  • (array) args { Optional. Array of options to control the form output. Default empty array. @type bool $echo Whether to display the login form or return the form HTML code. Default true (echo). @type string $redirect URL to redirect to. Must be absolute, as in "https://example.com/mypage/". Default is to redirect back to the request URI. @type string $form_id ID attribute value for the form. Default 'loginform'. @type string $label_username Label for the username or email address field. Default 'Username or Email Address'. @type string $label_password Label for the password field. Default 'Password'. @type string $label_remember Label for the remember field. Default 'Remember Me'. @type string $label_log_in Label for the submit button. Default 'Log In'. @type string $id_username ID attribute value for the username field. Default 'user_login'. @type string $id_password ID attribute value for the password field. Default 'user_pass'. @type string $id_remember ID attribute value for the remember field. Default 'rememberme'. @type string $id_submit ID attribute value for the submit button. Default 'wp-submit'. @type bool $remember Whether to display the "rememberme" checkbox in the form. @type string $value_username Default value for the username field. Default empty. @type bool $value_remember Whether the "Remember Me" checkbox should be checked by default. Default false (unchecked). @type bool $required_username Whether the username field has the 'required' attribute. Default false. @type bool $required_password Whether the password field has the 'required' attribute. Default false. }
  • (void|string) Void if 'echo' argument is true, login form HTML if 'echo' is false.
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Provides a simple login form for use anywhere within WordPress.The login form HTML is echoed by default. Pass a false value for `$echo` to return it instead.

Related Functions

wp_login_url, wp_login, wp_loginout, show_blog_form, login_footer

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