wp_get_code_editor_settings ( $args )
Parameters:- (array) args { Args. @type string $type The MIME type of the file to be edited. @type string $file Filename to be edited. Extension is used to sniff the type. Can be supplied as alternative to `$type` param. @type WP_Theme $theme Theme being edited when on the theme file editor. @type string $plugin Plugin being edited when on the plugin file editor. @type array $codemirror Additional CodeMirror setting overrides. @type array $csslint CSSLint rule overrides. @type array $jshint JSHint rule overrides. @type array $htmlhint HTMLHint rule overrides. }
See:Returns:- (array|false) Settings for the code editor.
Defined at: - Introduced in WordPress: 5.0.0
- Deprecated in WordPress: —
Generates and returns code editor settings.