wp_admin_notice ( $message, $args = array() )
Parameters:- (string) message The message to output.
- (array) args { Optional. An array of arguments for the admin notice. Default empty array. @type string $type Optional. The type of admin notice. For example, 'error', 'success', 'warning', 'info'. Default empty string. @type bool $dismissible Optional. Whether the admin notice is dismissible. Default false. @type string $id Optional. The value of the admin notice's ID attribute. Default empty string. @type string[] $additional_classes Optional. A string array of class names. Default empty array. @type string[] $attributes Optional. Additional attributes for the notice div. Default empty array. @type bool $paragraph_wrap Optional. Whether to wrap the message in paragraph tags. Default true. }
Defined at: - Introduced in WordPress: 6.4.0
- Deprecated in WordPress: —
Outputs an admin notice.