
get_term_by ( $field, $value, $taxonomy = '', $output = OBJECT, $filter = 'raw' )

  • (string) field Either 'slug', 'name', 'term_id' (or 'id', 'ID'), or 'term_taxonomy_id'.
  • (string|int) value Search for this term value.
  • (string) taxonomy Taxonomy name. Optional, if `$field` is 'term_taxonomy_id'.
  • (string) output Optional. The required return type. One of OBJECT, ARRAY_A, or ARRAY_N, which correspond to a WP_Term object, an associative array, or a numeric array, respectively. Default OBJECT.
  • (string) filter Optional. How to sanitize term fields. Default 'raw'.
  • (WP_Term|array|false) WP_Term instance (or array) on success, depending on the `$output` value. False if `$taxonomy` does not exist or `$term` was not found.
Defined at:
Change Log:
  • 4: .
  • 5: .


Gets all term data from database by term field and data.Warning: $value is not escaped for 'name' $field. You must do it yourself, if required. The default $field is 'id', therefore it is possible to also use null for field, but not recommended that you do so. If $value does not exist, the return value will be false. If $taxonomy exists and $field and $value combinations exist, the term will be returned. This function will always return the first term that matches the `$field`- `$value`-`$taxonomy` combination specified in the parameters. If your query is likely to match more than one term (as is likely to be the case when `$field` is 'name', for example), consider using get_terms() instead; that way, you will get all matching terms, and can provide your own logic for deciding which one was intended.

Related Functions

get_term, get_user_by, get_terms, get_term_link, get_term_meta

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