
get_option ( $option, $default_value = false )

  • (string) option Name of the option to retrieve. Expected to not be SQL-escaped.
  • (mixed) default_value Optional. Default value to return if the option does not exist.
  • (mixed) Value of the option. A value of any type may be returned, including scalar (string, boolean, float, integer), null, array, object. Scalar and null values will be returned as strings as long as they originate from a database stored option value. If there is no option in the database, boolean `false` is returned.
Defined at:


Retrieves an option value based on an option name.If the option does not exist, and a default value is not provided, boolean false is returned. This could be used to check whether you need to initialize an option during installation of a plugin, however that can be done better by using add_option() which will not overwrite existing options. Not initializing an option and using boolean `false` as a return value is a bad practice as it triggers an additional database query. The type of the returned value can be different from the type that was passed when saving or updating the option. If the option value was serialized, then it will be unserialized when it is returned. In this case the type will be the same. For example, storing a non-scalar value like an array will return the same array. In most cases non-string scalar and null values will be converted and returned as string equivalents. Exceptions: 1. When the option has not been saved in the database, the `$default_value` value is returned if provided. If not, boolean `false` is returned. 2. When one of the Options API filters is used: {@see 'pre_option_$option'}, {@see 'default_option_$option'}, or {@see 'option_$option'}, the returned value may not match the expected type. 3. When the option has just been saved in the database, and get_option() is used right after, non-string scalar and null values are not converted to string equivalents and the original type is returned. Examples: When adding options like this: `add_option( 'my_option_name', 'value' )` and then retrieving them with `get_option( 'my_option_name' )`, the returned values will be: - `false` returns `string(0) ""` - `true` returns `string(1) "1"` - `0` returns `string(1) "0"` - `1` returns `string(1) "1"` - `'0'` returns `string(1) "0"` - `'1'` returns `string(1) "1"` - `null` returns `string(0) ""` When adding options with non-scalar values like `add_option( 'my_array', array( false, 'str', null ) )`, the returned value will be identical to the original as it is serialized before saving it in the database: array(3) { [0] => bool(false) [1] => string(3) "str" [2] => NULL }

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