
wp_signon ( $credentials = array(), $secure_cookie = '' )

  • (array) credentials { Optional. User info in order to sign on. @type string $user_login Username. @type string $user_password User password. @type bool $remember Whether to 'remember' the user. Increases the time that the cookie will be kept. Default false. }
  • (string|bool) secure_cookie Optional. Whether to use secure cookie.
  • (WP_User|WP_Error) WP_User on success, WP_Error on failure.
Defined at:


Authenticates and logs a user in with 'remember' capability.The credentials is an array that has 'user_login', 'user_password', and 'remember' indices. If the credentials is not given, then the log in form will be assumed and used if set. The various authentication cookies will be set by this function and will be set for a longer period depending on if the 'remember' credential is set to true. Note: wp_signon() doesn't handle setting the current user. This means that if the function is called before the {@see 'init'} hook is fired, is_user_logged_in() will evaluate as false until that point. If is_user_logged_in() is needed in conjunction with wp_signon(), wp_set_current_user() should be called explicitly.

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