wp_prepare_attachment_for_js ( $attachment )
Parameters:- (int|WP_Post) attachment Attachment ID or object.
Returns:- (array|void) { Array of attachment details, or void if the parameter does not correspond to an attachment. @type string $alt Alt text of the attachment. @type string $author ID of the attachment author, as a string. @type string $authorName Name of the attachment author. @type string $caption Caption for the attachment. @type array $compat Containing item and meta. @type string $context Context, whether it's used as the site icon for example. @type int $date Uploaded date, timestamp in milliseconds. @type string $dateFormatted Formatted date (e.g. June 29, 2018). @type string $description Description of the attachment. @type string $editLink URL to the edit page for the attachment. @type string $filename File name of the attachment. @type string $filesizeHumanReadable Filesize of the attachment in human readable format (e.g. 1 MB). @type int $filesizeInBytes Filesize of the attachment in bytes. @type int $height If the attachment is an image, represents the height of the image in pixels. @type string $icon Icon URL of the attachment (e.g. /wp-includes/images/media/archive.png). @type int $id ID of the attachment. @type string $link URL to the attachment. @type int $menuOrder Menu order of the attachment post. @type array $meta Meta data for the attachment. @type string $mime Mime type of the attachment (e.g. image/jpeg or application/zip). @type int $modified Last modified, timestamp in milliseconds. @type string $name Name, same as title of the attachment. @type array $nonces Nonces for update, delete and edit. @type string $orientation If the attachment is an image, represents the image orientation (landscape or portrait). @type array $sizes If the attachment is an image, contains an array of arrays for the images sizes: thumbnail, medium, large, and full. @type string $status Post status of the attachment (usually 'inherit'). @type string $subtype Mime subtype of the attachment (usually the last part, e.g. jpeg or zip). @type string $title Title of the attachment (usually slugified file name without the extension). @type string $type Type of the attachment (usually first part of the mime type, e.g. image). @type int $uploadedTo Parent post to which the attachment was uploaded. @type string $uploadedToLink URL to the edit page of the parent post of the attachment. @type string $uploadedToTitle Post title of the parent of the attachment. @type string $url Direct URL to the attachment file (from wp-content). @type int $width If the attachment is an image, represents the width of the image in pixels. }
Defined at: - Introduced in WordPress: 3.5.0
- Deprecated in WordPress: —
Prepares an attachment post object for JS, where it is expected
to be JSON-encoded and fit into an Attachment model.