
wp_oembed_get ( $url, $args = '' )

  • (string) url The URL that should be embedded.
  • (array|string) args { Optional. Additional arguments for retrieving embed HTML. Default empty. @type int|string $width Optional. The `maxwidth` value passed to the provider URL. @type int|string $height Optional. The `maxheight` value passed to the provider URL. @type bool $discover Optional. Determines whether to attempt to discover link tags at the given URL for an oEmbed provider when the provider URL is not found in the built-in providers list. Default true. }
  • WP_oEmbed
  • (string|false) The embed HTML on success, false on failure.
Defined at:


Attempts to fetch the embed HTML for a provided URL using oEmbed.

Related Functions

wp_remote_get, _wp_oembed_get_object, wp_embed_defaults, wp_ajax_oembed_cache, wp_oembed_ensure_format

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