
wp_insert_user ( $userdata )

  • (array|object|WP_User) userdata { An array, object, or WP_User object of user data arguments. @type int $ID User ID. If supplied, the user will be updated. @type string $user_pass The plain-text user password for new users. Hashed password for existing users. @type string $user_login The user's login username. @type string $user_nicename The URL-friendly user name. @type string $user_url The user URL. @type string $user_email The user email address. @type string $display_name The user's display name. Default is the user's username. @type string $nickname The user's nickname. Default is the user's username. @type string $first_name The user's first name. For new users, will be used to build the first part of the user's display name if `$display_name` is not specified. @type string $last_name The user's last name. For new users, will be used to build the second part of the user's display name if `$display_name` is not specified. @type string $description The user's biographical description. @type string $rich_editing Whether to enable the rich-editor for the user. Accepts 'true' or 'false' as a string literal, not boolean. Default 'true'. @type string $syntax_highlighting Whether to enable the rich code editor for the user. Accepts 'true' or 'false' as a string literal, not boolean. Default 'true'. @type string $comment_shortcuts Whether to enable comment moderation keyboard shortcuts for the user. Accepts 'true' or 'false' as a string literal, not boolean. Default 'false'. @type string $admin_color Admin color scheme for the user. Default 'fresh'. @type bool $use_ssl Whether the user should always access the admin over https. Default false. @type string $user_registered Date the user registered in UTC. Format is 'Y-m-d H:i:s'. @type string $user_activation_key Password reset key. Default empty. @type bool $spam Multisite only. Whether the user is marked as spam. Default false. @type string $show_admin_bar_front Whether to display the Admin Bar for the user on the site's front end. Accepts 'true' or 'false' as a string literal, not boolean. Default 'true'. @type string $role User's role. @type string $locale User's locale. Default empty. @type array $meta_input Array of custom user meta values keyed by meta key. Default empty. }
  • (int|WP_Error) The newly created user's ID or a WP_Error object if the user could not be created.
Defined at:
Change Log:
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Inserts a user into the database.Most of the `$userdata` array fields have filters associated with the values. Exceptions are 'ID', 'rich_editing', 'syntax_highlighting', 'comment_shortcuts', 'admin_color', 'use_ssl', 'user_registered', 'user_activation_key', 'spam', and 'role'. The filters have the prefix 'pre_user_' followed by the field name. An example using 'description' would have the filter called 'pre_user_description' that can be hooked into.

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