
wp_get_post_categories ( $post_id = 0, $args = array() )

  • (int) post_id Optional. The Post ID. Does not default to the ID of the global $post. Default 0.
  • (array) args Optional. Category query parameters. Default empty array. See WP_Term_Query::__construct() for supported arguments.
  • (array|WP_Error) List of categories. If the `$fields` argument passed via `$args` is 'all' or 'all_with_object_id', an array of WP_Term objects will be returned. If `$fields` is 'ids', an array of category IDs. If `$fields` is 'names', an array of category names. WP_Error object if 'category' taxonomy doesn't exist.
Defined at:


Retrieves the list of categories for a post.Compatibility layer for themes and plugins. Also an easy layer of abstraction away from the complexity of the taxonomy layer.

Related Functions

wp_set_post_categories, wp_get_post_cats, wp_get_post_terms, wp_list_categories, wp_set_post_cats

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