wp_get_loading_optimization_attributes ( $tag_name, $attr, $context )
Parameters:- (string) tag_name The tag name.
- (array) attr Array of the attributes for the tag.
- (string) context Context for the element for which the loading optimization attribute is requested.
Returns:- (array) Loading optimization attributes.
Defined at: - Introduced in WordPress: 6.3.0
- Deprecated in WordPress: —
Gets loading optimization attributes.This function returns an array of attributes that should be merged into the given attributes array to optimize
loading performance. Potential attributes returned by this function are:
- `loading` attribute with a value of "lazy"
- `fetchpriority` attribute with a value of "high"
- `decoding` attribute with a value of "async"
If any of these attributes are already present in the given attributes, they will not be modified. Note that no
element should have both `loading="lazy"` and `fetchpriority="high"`, so the function will trigger a warning in case
both attributes are present with those values.