wp_get_development_mode ( No parameters )
Returns:- (string) The current development mode.
Defined at: - Introduced in WordPress: 6.3.0
- Deprecated in WordPress: —
Retrieves the current development mode.The development mode affects how certain parts of the WordPress application behave,
which is relevant when developing for WordPress.
Development mode can be set via the `WP_DEVELOPMENT_MODE` constant in `wp-config.php`.
Possible values are 'core', 'plugin', 'theme', 'all', or an empty string to disable
development mode. 'all' is a special value to signify that all three development modes
('core', 'plugin', and 'theme') are enabled.
Development mode is considered separately from `WP_DEBUG` and wp_get_environment_type().
It does not affect debugging output, but rather functional nuances in WordPress.
This function retrieves the currently set development mode value. To check whether
a specific development mode is enabled, use wp_is_development_mode().