- %1$s is private and should not be used in themes or plugins directly.
wp_get_computed_fluid_typography_value ( $args = array() )
Access:Parameters:- (array) args { Optional. An associative array of values to calculate a fluid formula for font size. Default is empty array. @type string $maximum_viewport_width Maximum size up to which type will have fluidity. @type string $minimum_viewport_width Minimum viewport size from which type will have fluidity. @type string $maximum_font_size Maximum font size for any clamp() calculation. @type string $minimum_font_size Minimum font size for any clamp() calculation. @type int $scale_factor A scale factor to determine how fast a font scales within boundaries. }
Returns:- (string|null) A font-size value using clamp() on success, otherwise null.
Defined at:Change Log: - Introduced in WordPress: 6.1.0
- Deprecated in WordPress: —
Internal implementation of CSS clamp() based on available min/max viewport
width and min/max font sizes.