- %1$s is private and should not be used in themes or plugins directly.
wp_find_hierarchy_loop ( $callback, $start, $start_parent, $callback_args = array() )
Access:Parameters:- (callable) callback Function that accepts ( ID, $callback_args ) and outputs parent_ID.
- (int) start The ID to start the loop check at.
- (int) start_parent The parent_ID of $start to use instead of calling $callback( $start ). Use null to always use $callback.
- (array) callback_args Optional. Additional arguments to send to $callback. Default empty array.
Returns:- (array) IDs of all members of loop.
Defined at: - Introduced in WordPress: 3.1.0
- Deprecated in WordPress: —
Finds hierarchy loops using a callback function that maps object IDs to parent IDs.