wp_enqueue_block_style ( $block_name, $args )
Parameters:- (string) block_name The block-name, including namespace.
- (array) args { An array of arguments. See wp_register_style() for full information about each argument. @type string $handle The handle for the stylesheet. @type string|false $src The source URL of the stylesheet. @type string[] $deps Array of registered stylesheet handles this stylesheet depends on. @type string|bool|null $ver Stylesheet version number. @type string $media The media for which this stylesheet has been defined. @type string|null $path Absolute path to the stylesheet, so that it can potentially be inlined. }
Defined at: - Introduced in WordPress: 5.9.0
- Deprecated in WordPress: —
Enqueues a stylesheet for a specific block.If the theme has opted-in to separate-styles loading,
then the stylesheet will be enqueued on-render,
otherwise when the block inits.