get_shortcode_regex ( $tagnames = null )
Parameters:- (array) tagnames Optional. List of shortcodes to find. Defaults to all registered shortcodes.
Returns:- (string) The shortcode search regular expression
Defined at:Change Log: - Introduced in WordPress: 2.5.0
- Deprecated in WordPress: —
Retrieves the shortcode regular expression for searching.The regular expression combines the shortcode tags in the regular expression
in a regex class.
The regular expression contains 6 different sub matches to help with parsing.
1 - An extra [ to allow for escaping shortcodes with double [[]]
2 - The shortcode name
3 - The shortcode argument list
4 - The self closing /
5 - The content of a shortcode when it wraps some content.
6 - An extra ] to allow for escaping shortcodes with double [[]]