- %1$s is private and should not be used in themes or plugins directly.
_load_image_to_edit_path ( $attachment_id, $size = 'full' )
Access:Parameters:- (int) attachment_id Attachment ID.
- (string|int[]) size Optional. Image size. Accepts any registered image size name, or an array of width and height values in pixels (in that order). Default 'full'.
Returns:- (string|false) File path or URL on success, false on failure.
Defined at: - Introduced in WordPress: 3.4.0
- Deprecated in WordPress: —
Retrieves the path or URL of an attachment's attached file.If the attached file is not present on the local filesystem (usually due to replication plugins),
then the URL of the file is returned if `allow_url_fopen` is supported.